
I have added a RadControl, RadGrid and I need to add a radComboBox in the edit mode.

When user clicks on the radComboBox, I need to get both "text" and "value" of the radComboBox to save to table when user updates values.

<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox1" Runat="server" 
             DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="docCategoryName" 
             DataValueField="docCategoryID" Height="200px" Skin="Vista">

When user selects from the radComboBox, I need to get the value of DataTextField & DataValueField into a HiddenField.

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The approach described by Program.X is very good. This, of course, works if you're using a RadCombobox inside of a GridTemplateColumn in RadGrid.

RadGrid also provides a built-in GridDropDownColumn that can automatically render a RadCombobox during edits. If you choose to use the built-in column type, you need to programmatically set the client-side event handlers for the rendered RadGrid, like this:

protected void RadGrid1_ItemCreated(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs e)
    //Find GridEditableItems when in Edit mode
    if (e.Item is GridEditableItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
        //Get reference to item (i.e. Row)
        var item = e.Item as GridEditableItem;

        //Get reference to auto-generated RadCombobox in
        //specific column (in this case, a column called Title)
        var rcb = item["Title"].Controls[0] as RadComboBox;
        if (rcb == null)

        //Customize the RadCombobox properities
        rcb.OnClientSelectedIndexChanged = "onselectedindexchanged";

Where "onselectedindexchanged" is the name of a client-side JavaScript function on your page designed to handle the RadCombobox event.

Either of these approaches should enable you to achieve your goal.


Telerik are the best people to help you with this, but from their site (and from memory):

If you have your radCombo:


With your JS event:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function OnClientSelectedIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs)
 var item = eventArgs.get_item();

// get the text and value elements
var text=item.get_text();
var val=item.get_value();


Where hiddenField is the ID of the hidden field.

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