
Assume, I want to get a page from the web to my application and make some sort of parsing with it. How do I do that? Where should I start from? Should be some plugins/gems required? What is your usual practice in resolving such type of tasks?

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You should try Gems like Hpricot (wiki) or Nokogiri.

Hpricot example:

require 'open-uri'
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'

html = Hpricot(open(an_url).read)
# This would search for any images inside a paragraph (XPath)'/html/body//p//img')
# This would search for any images with the class "test" (CSS selector)'img.test')

Nokogiri example:

require 'open-uri'
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'

html = Nokogiri::HTML(open(an_url).read)
# This would search for any images inside a paragraph (XPath)
# This would search for any images with the class "test" (CSS selector)

Nokogiri is generally faster. Both libraries feature a lot of functionality.


What you want to do is called "Scraping"

Ryan Bates made two excelent screencasts on this topic:

I personally like Nokogiri more. You can also check out the following answer: Best Rails HTML Parser

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