
This works

def func(f: => Int) = f

This dosn't (inside class for example)

type EmptyFunct = => Int


 type EmptyFunct = (=> Int)

Scala version 2.9 Two questions:

  1. Why dosn't syntax sugar work in second case?
  2. How to define this function without syntax sugar?
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=> Int is not exactly a function without parameter, it is an Int argument with call by name passing convention. (Of course, that is rather fine a point, as it is implemented by passing a function without parameter ).

The function without argument is written () => Int. You can do type EmptyFunct = () => Int.

It is not a type. Inside func, f will be typed as an Int. An argument of type () => Int will not.

def func(f: => Int) = f *2

func (: => Int) Int


def func(f: () => Int) : Int = f*2

error: value * is not a member of () => Int


You should use Function0

In the first case it does not work because you declare a non argument Function but because you indicates that the parameter is called by name.

I don't see much sense in a method, returning an int, invoked with no parameter. Either it returns a constant, so you could use the constant, or it would use a var?

So let's go with a var:

var k = 10 
val fi = List (() => k * 2, () => k - 2)
val n = fi(0)
k = 11

result is 20, then 22.

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