
I have a social network site similar in design to a myspace/facebook type community, I am using php/mysql on a LAMP setup.
I have always wanted to possibly have my own instant messenger that would go on a user's PC similar to AIM that would work

with my site, meanning a buddylist in the program would consist of users on my site and also to show a users image next to

the name and a link to there profile on my site.

Now I know this is possible but what would make me not want to do it is the server resources it would take. So I am asking,

if you were to do this, how would you go about it?

What language would you make the .exe program in?

Is there someway to make a user connect to another user so that each message between them is not hitting my mysql DB?

Any tips/advice/suggestions welcome

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I recommend that you use XMPP, the core protocol for Jabber.

It is a protocol that many websites use such as Google Talk.

You will need a database if you want to keep logs obviously. If it is purely real-time, then you may not need to store messages through the database.

If you simply want an ajax chat feature on your website, you should just search online as there are a ton of them. If you simply want an all purpose chat server, just use a Jabber or IRC.


coding SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) using JAVA (and XML) or any other language is much easier and faster.

Peer to peer chats have the same pitfalls as any sort of p2p system and that is that pretty much everyone is sitting behind a hardware firewall. Practically none of them know how to change their firewall rules and even less would anyway.

You don't have to make a chat server hit your DB though. The simplest chat protocol would really be nothing more than a proxy of sorts. Client A connects to server, client B connects to server, message from client A is forwarded to client B. Really fast, really simple, can handle a lot of clients (We're talking thousands here.). I would recommend you implement a limited message cache (say 5 to 10 messages) because few things confuse two people chatting as random messages getting dropped. Cache a few of the messages, demand ACK signals from the clients for every message... etc. etc. etc.

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