
I am declaring an array of NSString* in a header file of a class.

NSString* POLYGON_NAMES[] = {@"Invalid Polygon", @"Monogon", ...};

Now I am using this in PolyginShape.m as follows:

- (NSString*) name {
return (POLYGON_NAMES [self.numberOfSides]);

numberOfSides is an iVar which will indicate the index at which the polygon name is stored
So far so good ... it was compiling without any errors

Then I added PolygonShape.h in my file that implements main method (note: these does not have any class definition and call functions C-Style rather than obj-c Style)

#import "PolygonShape.h"

Now when I compile, I am getting a build (linking) error

ld: duplicate symbol _POLYGON_NAMES in /Users/../Projects/CS193P/1B/What_A_Tool/build/ and /Users/../Projects/CS193P/1B/What_A_Tool/build/
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

So I went thru stack overflow and other forums and mostly the advice was to make the global variable extern and so I did ...

extern NSString* POLYGON_NAMES[] = {@"Invalid Polygon", @"Monogon" .. };

However I am still getting the linking error and also getting 2 warnings now that says

warning: 'POLYGON_NAMES' initialized and declared 'extern'

at both the places where i am importing PolygonShape.h

What am I missing here?


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In your header file declare the array as:

extern const NSString* POLYGON_NAMES[];

In your source file, define the array and initialize the contents:

const NSString* POLYGON_NAMES[] = {@"Invalid Polygon", @"Monogon" };
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