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I have an array like [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3] and I would like to get the list of repeated elements, in this case [1,3]. I wrote this:{|obj|my_array.count(obj)>1}.uniq

But it is tragically inefficient (o(n²)). Do you have a better idea? If possible concise.


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Inspired by Ilya Haykinson's answer:

def repeated(array)
  counts =


Using Ruby's Set library:

require 'set'

ary = [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3]
dups =
test_set =
ary.each {|val| dups.add(val) unless test_set.add?(val)}
dups.to_a # [1, 3]

I believe this should be O(n), because Set#add and Set#add? are constant-time operations, as far as I know.

How about something like this? It will run in O(n).

a = [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3]
b = {}
a.each { |v| if b.has_key? v then b[v] = b[v]+1 else b[v]=1 end }
b.reject { |k,v| if v > 1 then false else true end }.keys

A O(n) solution (change << x to + [x] and update to merge to make it purely functional):

rs = xs.inject([[], {}]) do |(out, seen), x| 
  [(seen[x] == 1 ? (out << x) : out), seen.update(x => (seen[x] || 0)+1)]

A much simpler yet less space-efficient approach:

rs = xs.group_by { |x| x }.select { |y, ys| ys.size > 1 }.keys

The same idea avoiding the intermediate hash using a "list-comprehension":

rs = xs.group_by { |x| x }.map { |y, ys| y if ys.size > 1 }.compact

Using inject

[1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3].inject({}){ |ele, n| ele[n] = nil; ele }.keys 
# => [1, 2, 4, 6, 3] 


ele hash it's initialled to {}, each iteration a key with the number n and nil value is added to the ele hash. At the end ele is returned as:

{1=>nil, 2=>nil, 4=>nil, 6=>nil, 3=>nil}

We only want the keys, so .keys ends the job.

Some ideas: you'd have to figure out the correct library data structures:

1 Sort the array O(nlogn), then run through the array

2 Create a set, search for the current array element in the set and if not found, insert and proceed for all the elements -- O(nlogn) again.

I was thinking of counting how many times a unique element appears in array. It may be really inefficient just like the original suggestion but it was fun looking at the problem. I didn't do any benchmarks on larger arrays so this is just an excercise.

a = [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3]

dupes = []
a.uniq.each do |u|
  c = a.find_all {|e| e == u}.size
  dupes << [u, c] unless c == 1

puts dupes.inspect

# dupes = [[1, 3], [3, 2]]
# 1 appears 3 times
# 3 appears twice

# to extract just the elment a bit cleaner
dupes = do |u|
  a.find_all {|e| e == u}.size != 1
puts dupes.inspect
# returns [1,3]

This will work if the duplicated entries are always consecutive, as in your example; otherwise you would have to sort first. each_cons examines a rolling window of the specified size.

require 'set'

my_array = [1,1,1,2,4,6,3,3]
dups =
my_array.each_cons(2) {|a,b| dups.add(a) if (a == b)}
p dups.to_a
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