
How do I get python to work with aptana studio?

I've downloaded a bunch of stuff, but none of them seem to give me a straight text editor where I can interpret code into an executable type thing. I know there's interactive mode in IDLE, but I want to actually use an editor. So I downloaded the pydev extensions for Aptana studio, but it wants me to configure a python interpreter (so I guess it actually doesn't have one). Where can I find a straight python interpreter that will work with this? or another IDE?

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It's easier than you think. First, there's a version of python on your machine by default. It's kind of out of date, though.

MacPorts is a nice method to get lots of good stuff.

ActiveState has a Python Mac package downloadable for free. will lead you to some other options as well.


To add the current Python version on Mac:

  1. Add new interpreter via Aptana Studio 3/Preferences/PyDev/Interpreter-Python.
  2. Give it name (check version using the Terminal and then python or /usr/bin/python.
  3. Then add the path (2.7 in my case): /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python

If you install your own (2.6 in my case) use the following path instead: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/

Don't forget to hit the "Apply" button...

Idle has a complete text editor -- open a "new window" and type away. Be sure to save it before you run it.

What didn't you like about the IDLE editor?

Also, look at Komodo Edit for Mac OS X. Very nice.

For windows, I'd recommend the aforementioned ActivePython. Mainly because it comes with Python win32, which you're going to end up installing anyway.

Secondly, if you're coming from the world of Java and C#, you might be expecting too much out of your IDE. I eventually found that more powerful IDEs just made things more difficult than they helped. So my advice is to try to go with something simple. In other words, go with something that will let you jump in and start coding rather than bugging you with a lot of features you probably won't need anyway. :-)

EDIT: One other thing, find and install pip. It makes installing python packages so much easier.

A lot of the sites in the Windows list mirror the Mac list. has Win32 and Win64 installers.

ActiveState has a free Python Win32 package downloadable for free. There is no Win64 version (yet?).

PyWin32 is a Python package with extra modules for interfacing with Windows. This is not Python itself. These haven't been updated for Python 3.0, though. Despite the name, there is a Win64 version for Python 2.6 on this site.

On Mac OS X Leopard and Tiger, Python is already installed.

On Mac, I've tried a few editor. Textmate is my current choice. If you're looking for a free one, I really liked Xcode. But you'll have to run your script from the command line.

If you want a cross-platform environment, you could try Eclipse and the pydev extension. So you don't get lost between the two platform.

For Windows Operating system, If you want to work with python using Aptana Studio. You have to do some simple basic settings with the interpreter. For detailed step by step guide. You can follow this website link

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