
I want to transform one map of values to another map with the same keys but with a function applied to the values. I would think there was a function for doing this in the clojure api, but I have been unable to find it.

Here's an example implementation of what I'm looking for

(defn map-function-on-map-vals [m f]
  (reduce (fn [altered-map [k v]] (assoc altered-map k (f v))) {} m))
(println (map-function-on-map-vals {:a "test" :b "testing"} #(.toUpperCase %)))

Does anybody know if map-function-on-map-vals already exists? I would think it did (probably with a nicer name too).

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I like your reduce version just fine. I think it's idiomatic. Here's a version using list comprehension anyways.

(defn foo [m f]
  (into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (f v)])))


You can use the clojure.algo.generic.functor/fmap:

user=> (use '[clojure.algo.generic.functor :only (fmap)])
user=> (fmap inc {:a 1 :b 3 :c 5})
{:a 2, :b 4, :c 6}

Here is a fairly typical way to transform a map. zipmap takes a list of keys and a list of values and "does the right thing" producing a new Clojure map. You could also put the map around the keys to change them, or both.

(zipmap (keys data) (map #(do-stuff %) (vals data)))

or to wrap it up in your function:

(defn map-function-on-map-vals [m f]
    (zipmap (keys m) (map f (vals m))))

Taken from the Clojure Cookbook, there is reduce-kv:

(defn map-kv [m f]
  (reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %2 (f %3)) {} m))

Here's a fairly idiomatic way to do this:

(defn map-function-on-map-vals [m f]
        (apply merge
               (map (fn [[k v]] {k (f v)})


user> (map-function-on-map-vals {1 1, 2 2, 3 3} inc))
{3 4, 2 3, 1 2}

map-map, map-map-keys, and map-map-values

I know of no existing function in Clojure for this, but here’s an implementation of that function as map-map-values that you are free to copy. It comes with two closely related functions, map-map and map-map-keys, which are also missing from the standard library:

(defn map-map
    "Returns a new map with each key-value pair in `m` transformed by `f`. `f` takes the arguments `[key value]` and should return a value castable to a map entry, such as `{transformed-key transformed-value}`."
    [f m]
    (into (empty m) (map #(apply f %) m)) )

(defn map-map-keys [f m]
    (map-map (fn [key value] {(f key) value}) m) )

(defn map-map-values [f m]
    (map-map (fn [key value] {key (f value)}) m) )


You can call map-map-values like this:

(map-map-values str {:a 1 :b 2})
;;           => {:a "1", :b "2"}

And the other two functions like this:

(map-map-keys str {:a 1 :b 2})
;;         => {":a" 1, ":b" 2}
(map-map (fn [k v] {v k}) {:a 1 :b 2})
;;    => {1 :a, 2 :b}

Alternative implementations

If you only want map-map-keys or map-map-values, without the more general map-map function, you can use these implementations, which don’t rely on map-map:

(defn map-map-keys [f m]
    (into (empty m)
        (for [[key value] m]
            {(f key) value} )))

(defn map-map-values [f m]
    (into (empty m)
        (for [[key value] m]
            {key (f value)} )))

Also, here’s an alternative implementation of map-map that is based on clojure.walk/walk instead of into, if you prefer this phrasing:

(defn map-map [f m]
    (clojure.walk/walk #(apply f %) identity m) )

Parellel versions – pmap-map, etc.

There are also parallel versions of these functions if you need them. They simply use pmap instead of map.

(defn pmap-map [f m]
    (into (empty m) (pmap #(apply f %) m)) )
(defn pmap-map-keys [f m]
    (pmap-map (fn [key value] {(f key) value}) m) )
(defn pmap-map-values [f m]
    (pmap-map (fn [key value] {key (f value)}) m) )

I'm a Clojure n00b, so there may well be much more elegant solutions. Here's mine:

(def example {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4})
(def func #(* % %))

(prn example)

(defn remap [m f]
  (apply hash-map (mapcat #(list % (f (% m))) (keys m))))

(prn (remap example func))

The anon func makes a little 2-list from each key and its f'ed value. Mapcat runs this function over the sequence of the map's keys and concatenates the whole works into one big list. "apply hash-map" creates a new map from that sequence. The (% m) may look a little weird, it's idiomatic Clojure for applying a key to a map to look up the associated value.

Most highly recommended reading: The Clojure Cheat Sheet .

I like your reduce version. With a very slight variation, it can also retain the type of records structures:

(defn map-function-on-map-vals [m f]
  (reduce (fn [altered-map [k v]] (assoc altered-map k (f v))) m m))

The {} was replaced by m. With that change, records remain records:

(defrecord Person [firstname lastname])

(def p (map->Person {}))
(class p) '=> Person

(class (map-function-on-map-vals p
  (fn [v] (str v)))) '=> Person

By starting with {}, the record loses its recordiness, which one might want to retain, if you desire the record capabilities (compact memory representation for instance).

(defn map-vals
  "Map f over every value of m.
   Returns a map with the same keys as m, where each of its values is now the result of applying f to them one by one.
   f is a function of one arg, which will be called which each value of m, and should return the new value.
   Faster then map-vals-transient on small maps (8 elements and under)"
  [f m]
  (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
               (assoc m k (f v)))
             {} m))

(defn map-vals-transient
  "Map f over every value of m.
   Returns a map with the same keys as m, where each of its values is now the result of applying f to them one by one.
   f is a function of one arg, which will be called which each value of m, and should return the new value.
   Faster then map-vals on big maps (9 elements or more)"
  [f m]
  (persistent! (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
                            (assoc! m k (f v)))
                          (transient {}) m)))
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