
I am calling the following method in my controller using $.getJSON()

    [return: JSONReturnBinder]
    public object ProfileFields()
        var userfields = _profileSvc.GetFields(282);
        var fields = from f in userfields
                     select new {f.ID, f.FieldName};

        return fields;

My _profileSvc comes back with extra data that I don't need (actually I get NHibernate errors because the session is closed).

Is there a better way to do what I am doing? Should I strongly type the data I am returning or is this approach sufficient?



Have you already tried using

[return: JSONReturnBinder(Properties = "ID,FieldName")]
public object ProfileFields()
        var userfields = _profileSvc.GetFields(282);
    return userfields;

I hope this helps.

First, I would change the return value of the action to be an IList...

I think that the session closed error may stem from a delayed-execution of 'var fields'. If you change your return statement to fields.ToList(), that will force the execution of the lambda expression and you might get rid of the Session error:

[return: JSONReturnBinder]
    public object ProfileFields()
            var userfields = _profileSvc.GetFields(282);
            var fields = from f in userfields
                         select new {f.ID, f.FieldName};

    return fields.ToList();
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