
If you have an enum that you are accessing via reflection how would you pass it's value into method.invoke call.

Would it be something like (shown as a static method for simplicity)

    Class enumClazz = Class.forName("mypkg.MyEnum",true,MyClassLoader);
    Class myReflectedClazz = Class.forName("mypkg.MyClass",true,MyClassLoader);
    Field f = enumClazz.getField("MyEnumValue");

    Method m = myReflectedClazz.getMethod("myMethod",enumClazz);
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You should probably do:

Enum e = Enum.valueOf(enumClazz, "MyEnumValue");

You will get unchecked warnings as you are using raw types but this will compile and run.

Using reflection, you would need to pass an instance to access a Field - however in the case of static methods, you can pass in null to Field's get method as follows:


Also - is myMethod a static method as you are calling this with no instance as well?


You have an enum definition:

public enum MyEnum {

And a class which has a method that has an enum parameter:

public class SampleClass {
    public static void myMethod(MyEnum myEnumParam) {
        // some logic here

Invoke SampleClass.myMethod(MyEnum.MY_SAMPLE_ENUM) by reflection:

Class clazzMyEnum= Class.forName("mypkg.MyEnum", true, myClassLoader);
Enum enum_MY_SAMPLE_ENUM = Enum.valueOf(clazzMyEnum, "MY_SAMPLE_ENUM");

Class clazzSampleClass = Class.forName("mypkg.SampleClass", true, myClassLoader);
Method methodMyMethod = clazzSampleClass.getMethod("myMethod", clazzMyEnum);
methodMyMethod.invoke(null, enum_MY_SAMPLE_ENUM);
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