
I've been struggling through my first Backbone app and have started to get the hang of things. I now have a few successful reports that load JSON data from my server (NodeJS), populate a template (Handlebars), and render relatively nicely on the frontend.

The issue I'm running into is that I'm trying to add event handlers to a <select> object coming in from one of my templates and I'm not having much luck.

Here's the template:

// Report - New Clients

script(type='text/x-handlebars-template', id='newClients-template')
  // Start Listing
  {{#each report}}
      | Stylist:
      select.chzn-select(id='stylists', style='width:350px')
        option(value='null') All Stylists
        {{#each stylists}}
        option(value='{{uid}}') {{name}}

And here's the Backbone View: note: I'm calling the view from within a $ -> so it shouldn't be loading until DocumentReady

  # View
  class window.NewClientsView extends Backbone.View

      'click #stylists': 'selectStylist'
    initialize: ->
      @el = $('.containerOuter')
      _.bindAll this, 'render'
      @collection.bind 'reset', @render

      # Compile Handlebars template at init (Not sure if we have to do this each time or not)
      source = $('#newClients-template').html()
      @template = Handlebars.compile source

      # Get the latest collections

    render: ->
      # Render Handlebars template
      renderedContent = @template { report: @collection.toJSON() }
      $(@el).html renderedContent

      return this

    selectStylist: (e) ->
      console.log 'hit it!'
      console.log e

I'm expecting that any time the dropdown is clicked or changed, I'll see the selectStylist function fired. Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet :( I also have inspected the element in Chrome Dev Tools and there are no event listeners set on the object.

I've been stuck on this for a bunch of hours now and have reviewed all the other suggestions for Backbone event listeners (i.e. pass in your this.el as a parameter when instantiating your view), but haven't had any success.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated!

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In initialize, you write

@el = $('.containerOuter')

But Backbone.js processes events before initialize—meaning that it's already bound those events to a different @el (which you should see in the DOM as a lonely div).

You can hack this by overriding make, the function that's used to create @el:

make: ->
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