
I wish to setup R with LyX. Going through the web I found many resources.

The "official" text doesn't seem to be the most up to date:

I followed most of the steps here: But was it really needed? Or is LyX 2.x makes some of them obsolete? From reading this post: I was not so sure anymore.

So my question is - what is the most up to date explanation on how to set up and use LyX with R?

Also - what editor do you find it useful to work with in combination with LyX?


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I use LyX 2.0 with Sweave and pgfSweave on a daily basis. LyX 2.0 comes loaded with a module called Sweave which immediately allows you to use Sweave in your documents. If you plan to use pgfSweave, you need to (a) download the pgfSweave module and (b) install some converters. Details are available in the third link you indicated.

Hope this helps.

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