
I am trying to create an application that reads keyboard input from a HID. The OS I am trying to acheive this on is Windows 7. In what way would I specify to my program that it needs to listen to just one HID device (I have a normal keyboard, and an RFID reader as my two devices) Could some one tell me the best route to take if I wanted to just listen to one HID and ignore other keystrokes (From the keyboard)

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Did you register for HID input with RegisterRawInputDevices() ? Because in that case, you tell Windows for which devices you want "raw" input.

[edit] Rough sketch:

int count = 0;
GetRawInputDeviceList(0, &count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE);
std::vector<RAWINPUTDEVICE> devs(count);
GetRawInputDeviceList(&devs[0], &count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE);
// Select device(s) you want
RegisterRawInputDevices(&devs[0], &count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE);


You should probably handle the WM_INPUT message and check hDevice in the lParam input structure. See

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