
I am having a problem while trying to import imdb data from text files to MySQL database using script.

It throws the following error. It seems like the exception handler code tries to insert a duplicated record into cast_info table with existing primary key.

Can anyone help me fix this problem or suggest any work around solution?

SCANNING actor: Hall, Stephan
SCANNING actor: Halsey, William F.
 * FLUSHING CharactersCache...
 * TOO MANY DATA (100000 items in CharactersCache), recursion: 1
   * SPLITTING (run 1 of 2), recursion: 1
 * FLUSHING CharactersCache...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 2951, in <module>
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 2812, in run
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 1576, in castLists
    doCast(f, roleid, rolename)
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 1535, in doCast
    cid = CACHE_CID.addUnique(role)
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 957, in addUnique
    else: return self.add(key, miscData)
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 950, in add
    self[key] = c
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 860, in __setitem__
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 912, in flush
    self.flush(quiet=quiet, _recursionLevel=_recursionLevel)
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 883, in flush
  File "D:\project\IMDB\IMDbPY-4.7\bin\", line 1186, in _toDB
    CURS.executemany(self.sqlstr, self.converter(l))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line 206, in executemany
    r = r + self.execute(query, a)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line 174, in execute
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '745684' for key 'PRIMARY'")
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A lot of similar problems were fixed in the development version. Please try again with the version in the Mercurial repository:

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