
I made some changes in the sourcecode for a project hosted on codeplex. I'm not an author or editor on the project - just a user. But I'd like to submit the changes as a patch.

Codeplex has a nice way to do upload the patch...

alt text

How can I generate a patch or a diff, from within Visual Studio? How can I generate something that another VS developer could apply to update his source code? Does VS have a patch/diff capability?


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Use the TFS command line tool, tf.exe:

tf diff  <file>  | more

example output:

<             this.countdownDelay = (menuItem.Text == "none")
<                 ? 0
<                 : int.Parse(menuItem.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
>             this.countdownDelay = int.Parse(menuItem.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
<                 this.AddCountdownTimeMenuItem("none", parentItem);
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