
I have played with the idea of using a wiki (MediaWiki) to centralize all project information for a development project. This was done using extensions that pull information from SVN (using SVNKit) and by linking to Bugzilla to extract work assigned to a developer or work remaining for a release.


<bugzilla type="summary" user="" />

would return a summary

Bugzilla Summary

<bugzilla type="status" status="ASSIGNED" product="SCM BEPPI" />

would return

Bugzilla Status

Do you think that this would be useful? If so then what other integrations would you think would be valuable?

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I think this would be extremly useful. Depending on the size of a project team members come and go. And a wiki is a good tool to keep the history and the "spirit" of a project available to new team members. I did that in many projects, and though the projects were already finished, all the informations are available.

One more idea: also try to integrate meeting schedules, minutes etc. If your team communicates via IM, try to integrate a log of the conversations.


Of course it's useful, there are already ready-made packages for this kind of project-overviews (like

If possible, I'd integrate any existing CI-engine into the wiki, so that you have a complete overview over the current progress and your project's health.

You might be interested in the mediawiki extension I've created @ I'm getting a lot of great feedback that this is hitting a sweet spot - it allows you to bring bugzilla reports in line into mediawiki documents and create standard aggregated reports.

The other classic integration would be your source code repository, e.g. svn, or cvs. trac is an existing product that does exactly this - it combines a wiki, custom bug tracker, and integrates nicely with svn.

The other integration I worked on was integrating to MS Project but the integration was a little messy requiring upload of .mpp files and then using MPXJ to extract project information from the .mpp file

The result was OK I suppose

<project file="AOZA_BEPPI_Billing_Project_Plan_v0.2.mpp" type="list" user="Martin" />

MS Project Integ

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