
I’ve got a full Dump of an Database (all schema, system etc...) Now I want to import just one schema of this file, is this even possible?

As far I got this command:

impdp sysadm/sysadm@sysadm schemas=sysadm directory=dp_dir dumpfile=export.dmp logfile=export.log 

Would this work? The problem is, in this dump file there are schemas that are already used and I can't overwrite them (I can but it would be pain for me to recover them)

thanks for help

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It should work as you have shown. You might also want to take a look at the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter to provide additional warm-fuzziness. With that you can skip tables that exist already.

That said, of course you will have a backup of your database before you start? Or if it's a real pain to recover, perhaps you could create another test database to try this out on?


    "impdp system/*****@nsd1 directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR parfile=exclude_schemas_parfile.par REMAP_SCHEMA=old_schema:new_schema remap_tablespace=Schema1_TS_TABLES:Schema2_TS_TABLES  dumpfile=schema1.dmp LOGFILE=schema1_import.log"

.par file enteries look like this:

get list of all schemas from schema1 (using system user).

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