
I have found jasminerice very helpful for getting all my Jasmine tests to run via Rails 3.1's asset pipeline. The only thing I remain stuck with, is that I cannot get my setup to load any stylesheets (that go with my fixtures) and I need them for a couple of dom / element-style specific tests. Does anybody know how to get the stylesheets to be loaded in this setup?

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Solution 2

I have updated the Jasminerice gem and bradphelan (the Jasminerice author) has pulled that change into the source on Github. So in order to use use stylesheets in your Jasmine tests running through Jasminerice, simply refer to the gem on Github in your Gemfile like so: gem "jasminerice", :git => 'git://'. The documentation has also been updated on Github.


Support for CSS files has been added recently, the README states:

For including stylesheets in your specs, jasminerice uses a spec.css file. Create such a file next to the file:


and in that file, use sprockets directives to include the right css files, e.g.

*= require application

The change is fairly new so you may want to include the gem directly from the latest github version:

# Gemfile
gem 'jasminerice', git: 'git://'

You may also want to be precise with your css markup, so as to not mess up Jasmine's spec runner page as the css files (as the js files) are included directly into it.

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