
I am new with the user story map approach, I started with to compose the stories to be implemented from user perspective, and it seems very promising.

However, I am not sure about the non-functional stories, how to place them within the story map. Especially when are talking from user perspective, that is not aware of these details (e.g. performance, stability, etc...)

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User stories work best when you don't have to worry about all the non-functional stuff people 'just assume will work'

The best way to deal with this is to first setup your basic environment/architecture framework. ie

"We are making a website, ergo we will need our standard microsoft stack, IIS + C# + + MVC + MSSQL with the usual OAuth2 roles bases auth, Load balancing, Monitoring, Firewall etc etc etc, deployed to Azure"

This will answer 90% of the non-functional requirements. If you are doing something in the standard framework, then they come as standard.

If you have a special non-functional, say "Long running custom process must be able to handle workload X" then you should call it out as a User Story. "As the accounts team, we need the end of year report to be completed within X days"

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