
I have an app that uses a map to show a certain, fixed, location. With the next update I'd like to show the route from the users current location to this fixed point. I already managed to get the users location via myLocationOverlay.
As far as I see it I need to send the coordinates to Google Maps, receive a .kml file with the points and draw the route from that. How can I get the values for latitude and longitude from myLocationOverlay or is there a better way to do what I want to do?

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You can use getMyLocation from MyLocationOverlay. You then need to convert the GeoPoint into its respective degree for lat and long.

Here is a reference for that contains some of the function that you could use to convert the GeoPoint to its corresponding lat and longitude. In particular you want to use these two:

 public static Location toLocation(GeoPoint point) {
    Location result = new Location("");
    return result;


   * Convert microdegrees to degrees.
   * @param degreesE6 Value in microdegrees.
   * @return Value in degrees.
  public static double toDegrees(int degreesE6) {
    return (double) degreesE6 / E6;
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