
I would like to know what are drawbacks of a stateless class (if any)? Has anyone seen a real-world application where some use case mandated the creation of a stateless class (No hello world please )? I think a stateless class means a class without any fields.

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I never heard "stateless class", but I think you mean immutable objects (very useful notion!). Or maybe a class which doesn't have any fields, so usually it looks like just bunch of pure functions.


Here's a real world example: Writing plugins for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

In that doc you'll see a note that says: "The plug-in's Execute method should be written to be stateless". And basically what it means to be a stateless class is that there should be no global variables (except for a few special cases, which I won't get into unless asked).

The reason why this is mandated by CRM upon plugin developers is because CRM tries to improve performance by caching and re-using instances of plugin classes. The way CRM executes its plugins is something roughly like this:

Main thread:

YourCustomPlugin yourCustomPluginCached = new YourCustomPlugin();

then later: Thread1:


and Thread2:


What some developers do wrong is they will create a global variable to store the Context, which they set as the first line in the Execute() method. That way they don't have to pass it between all their methods. But this is actually a huge mistake. Because if they do that, and in the scenario above, if the execution in thread2 begins before the execution from thread1 finishes. That would mean that context1 in thread1 would be overwritten with context2. And now that plugin will have some unexpected result. In 99% of cases, even when developed incorrectly this way, there are no problems, or no noticeable problems. But in 1% of cases, it will cause something to go wrong, and that something will be incredibly difficult for the dev to figure out what went wrong, and will probably never occur when they are testing/debugging. So it will probably go unfixed for a long time.

If by stateless class you mean a class of immutable objects, then the drawback is that mutating operations need to copy an object instead of changing it in-place. That might be expensive.

I use these things quite often, pretty much whenever an object's behavior is determined by some input that can be processed all at once. A recent example is a statistical language model that I implemented: the model parameters were determined entirely in the constructor based on training input, and then the model could be queried for probability estimates on unseen text, but not modified. Immutability wasn't strictly mandated, but modifying the object didn't make sense, since there was no need to add data later on (in which case much of the computation had to be redone anyway).

I too am not sure what you mean by that term, but I assume it to mean a class with no fields, as the state of an object is actually the content of its fields.

Now, usually you'd use this kind of class as a collection of related functions - say, a certain Utils class. The common way to use this kind of class is by making its method static, so you don't actually have to create an instance of the class.

The only reason I can think of to actually create such a stateless object is if you'd like the actual functionality to be determined at run-time. So, if you have a UtilsBase class which offers a bunch of virtual methods and a UtilsDerived which overrides some of the methods, you can pass whoever needs to use the utils a reference to UtilsBase, and create the actual utils object at run-time, according to the specific needs.

In stateless class, all field members should be readonly type. Although c# don't have any such features which will check statelessness at compile time like:

public readonly class MyReadonlyClass
    public readonly double X {get;set;}
    public readonly double Y {get;set;}
    public readonly double Z {get;set;}

    public MyReadonlyClass(double x_,double y_,double z_)

public readonly static class MyStaticReadonlyClass
    public readonly static double X {get;set;}
    public readonly static double Y {get;set;}
    public readonly static double Z {get;set;}

    static MyStaticReadonlyClass(double x_,double y_,double z_)


Stateless is something which should not preserve its state or in other words we can say that every time we use the any functionality or member of that class then previously used/set variables should not affect the next use of that class/functionality.

Consider the following code snippet (Ignore the standards)-

class Maths {
int radius;

public void setRadius(int r) {
    this.radius = r;

public float getCircleArea() {
    return (float) (3.14 * radius * radius);

public class Geometry {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Maths m = new Maths();

if some other running thread changes the value of radius in class Maths then getCircleArea() would give us different results because the state of the variable 'radius' can be change as it is a global variable. This problem occurs mainly in web application where we use bean containers. Most of the beans are Singleton and only has one copy. If we use global variables then there is a possibility that value of a global variable will change.

To make a stateless class try to use local variable so that the scope of the variable will be limited. Example of the above getCircleArea() will be.

public float getCircleArea(int radius) {
    return (float) (3.14 * radius * radius);
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