
The following is part of client program for a fraction class. I wrote the class and now am testing it with the given client program. When I try to run it, I get this error:

Assertion 'in' failed.


bool eof(ifstream& in);

cout << "\n----- Now reading Fractions from file\n";
ifstream in("");
while (!eof(in)) {
    Fraction f;
    if (in.peek() == '#') {
        in.ignore(128, '\n');                    //skip this line, it's a comment
    } else {
        in >> f;
        cout << "Read fraction = " << f << endl;

As a relative beginner to C++, I don't really understand what this part of the code is supposed to be doing:

ifstream in("");

And when I try to debug and I get to that point, it says:

No source available for "__kernel_vsyscall() at 0x12e416"

So yeah, in conclusion I'm pretty clueless about why this happening :P

EDIT: Here are the include statements

#include <iostream>
#include "fraction.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
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Solution 3

So I finally got it. I just need to move my "" file to main project directory. Before, I had it in the source folder within the directory.


The assert() fails if the expression evaluates to false.


fails because in (the input file) evaluates to false. Your code is unable to open a file called "". If in were a valid input file stream, assert(in) would pass, and you'd go on about your business.

Short answer -> "File not found" or "Can't create a file here".

assert is a runtime check that verifies its argument is true. In this case, your file is not valid.

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