
I have just sucessfully tested my Zend based application on the localhost.When I deployed it on a shared hosting site I got the error below.It happens whenever I try navigate to protected pages of my application.

Warning: include(/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/library/Zend/Loader/Autoloader/Resource.php on line 176

I have a feeling that the double slashes


are causing this problem.

The error is caused at this particular line in my code:

Fatal error: Class 'Model_DbTable_Users' not found in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/controllers/AuthController.php on line 24

How do I trouble shoot this problem.Keep in mind that on my localhost machine its working fine.

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Solution 2

I finally found my problem.It was a case issue.Talk of developing on windows and deploying on linux


I would start by creating a new test script, with one line, and see what you get:

include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php';

Then, remove the double slashes:

include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable/Users.php';

If it's still giving you that warning, then either your path is wrong or your file permissions need to be eased.

P.S. You said 'protected pages' -- are those perhaps not in public_html?

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