
I have an array composed of an X number of 2DPoints, and my goal is to do a boolean operation that could check if that array has the specified 2DPoint. Something like this:

Point2D.Double arrayPoints[] = new Point2D.Double[numberOfPoints];
Point2D.Double pointPVariable = new Point2D.Double(positionXVariable,positionYVariable);
arrayPoints[variableNumber] = pointPVariable;

if(arrayPoints has the Point2D(2.45,6.52)){
    do this

How can I do that boolean operation?? Thank you very much!

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Arrays.asList(arrayPoints).contains(new Point2D.Double(2.45,6.52))

This works as long as the classes being compared override the equals method.


If your array is sorted with the natural ordering of Point2D.Double, you can use the Arrays.binarySearch method.

if (Arrays.binarySearch(arraysPoints, new Point2D.Double(2.45,6.52)) >= 0) {
    do this
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