
I know I can achieve this with approval by putting the approval status as a condition, I was wondering if there is a way to say than when the file is 1.2, 3.5 or 6.99 to do an action and when it is 3.0, 5.0, 345.0 to do another.

Interested in knowing if this is possible with Flow instead of SPD

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Yes to both questions.

In Microsoft Designer, you can use the Set Variable action (or similar actions) to retrieve the "UI Version" Property of the List Item. Then use the If any value equals ... action to validate if the version ends with ".0", see the following screenshot: Check Major Version SPD Workflow Actions

In a Power Automate built Flow, you can do something similar by using a Condition action to check if the the "Version Number" value of a List Item ends with ".0", see the following screenshot: enter image description here

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