
Suppose, we have customized a SharePoint list using Power Apps. Can someone explain, please, where the published Power apps' files (app package) are stored? does not seem to have these Apps listed: enter image description here

I have also noticed that lists, customized with Power Apps have this folder created: {ListURL}/_PowerAppsCache/{AppID}/: enter image description here

I have looked into it and I am not sure if that's the entire PowerApps' files. Is there another location that contains all PowerApps files? Or maybe a Power App is actually created on the, but somehow hidden from the UI? Can someone shed some light on this, please?

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After some more digging, this is what I've found.

  • Power Apps are not stored in SharePoint. Sorry to say, but the heavily upvoted answer below is totally wrong. The files visible in SharePoint Designer are just for caching purposes. You can completely remove these files and the Power App will still work.
  • You can delete _PowerAppCache folder stored in SharePoint. Your Power App form will still work just fine.
  • List Forms Power Apps are hidden from everyone, but they are hosted on the{environmentID}/apps page. So, PowerApps does not exist in SharePoint. SharePoint merely opens this Power App via an IFRAME. These List Form Power Apps are real Power Apps. They are just hidden by default on the Power Apps portal.
  • If you have an App ID, you can navigate to any form Power App either via a direct URL:{appID} or{environment}/apps/{appID}/details

enter image description here

  • You can also see all of these hidden Power Apps via PowerShell:
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber

enter image description here

We can also see all versions of this Power Apps in the "Versions" tab. Another good indicator why this app is not stored in SharePoint:

enter image description here

Export of the Power App is also available:

enter image description here


I don't see any official documentation explicitly indicating where these files are stored.

But I seem to have found these files through SharePoint designer.

These files are tied together with lists, You can find it in the following way:

SharePoint designer - All files - Lists - list name - PowerAppsCache

enter image description here

When you customize the form of SP list, it is not actually Power app so it won't be visible in powerapps. You can modify view and publish this form using only list from where it is created.

To change whether or not to use the custom form or default form, you can go to list settings->form settings and change it here. You can also delete custom form from here.

enter image description here

Text from below link If you customize the form for a SharePoint list, the form doesn't appear as an app in Power Apps Studio or Power Apps Mobile. You can open the form only from the list for which you created it.

Ref link -

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