

I'm setting up a Site Collection under which I want four Hub Sites and under there a number of sites for a flat architecture.

So.… I set up the site collection, do a create the hub sites by creating sub sites in the site collection and then registering the sites as Hub sites in SharePoint Admin? Then do I just create a site in SP Admin and associate them with the Hub Site?

I don't I'm going down the right route by creating a sub site under the site collection cause I can't see it in SP Admin to register as a Hub Site.

Any help appreciated.

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A Hub site IS a site collection. When you create a site collection, you can register it as a Hub in the SharePoint Admin center.

There is currently no mechanism to have Hub Sites be "under" anything, or any way to connect Hubs together. Once you register a site collection as a Hub, you can connect other non-Hub sites to it, either through the Admin Center, or through the gear settings in the site you want to connect from.


If you are creating a sub site in modern SharePoint online, you are going against the rules of site creation in modern experience :-), the purpose of hub site is to adhere the flat architecture rather than going with the nested architecture, i. e sub site.... creating the modern site adhering the hub site concept, Microsoft recommends... so I think you need to redesign the site creation architecture, need to go back from sub site to site collection.... and promote any of the site collection (site) as a hub site and registered all needed or related sites to the particular hub site and configure the Mega menu in the hub site and reuse those inside the associated sites... this design will help in the long run. :-)

For details understanding about hub site, please refer the below article :

Tips to create hub site in SharePoint online – Office 365

Quite simply, don't create subsites anymore.

Create site collections for everything that should be its own site. Register the "top" level as a Hub site. Register "sub" sites with the desired Hub site.

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