
Well, I am new to Delphi and really offline programming in general (other than the standard C++) and recently acquired a copy of Delphi and was kind of interested in starting with it. I read somewhere that it uses Pascal but I was confused on if it used Pascal, as in it was programmed with it, or if it used Pascal as in the language you code in it. Either way, I was wondering if anyone had any good resources to start learning. Either books or articles/forums online would be splendid. This is a neat little community here so I plan on utilizing this.

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Delphi is a pascal-based object-oriented programming language. It's also a product, a large part of which has been programmed using the Delphi language.

Here are some excellent SO questions with answers that contain fantastic suggestions for learning Delphi:

Many of those SO answers contain useful links, including many of the ones provided by others here, along with comments (and SO votes) to help you prioritize them.


Delphi refers to both a programming language built around an object-oriented evolution of Pascal known as Object Pascal, and its associated RAD IDE development environment. That's a pretty formal definition, though, and you can generally use "Delphi" and "Object Pascal" interchangeably.

We've got a nice, strong Delphi representation here on StackOverflow for asking questions. In fact, if your question is advanced enough, it's not uncommon to see it get answered by various high-level Delphi team members. You can also go to the official CodeGear (the company that makes Dephi) forums at

I think websites are pretty much covered in previous answers (Delphi Basics would be my suggestion) so here's a couple of books:

For something more up to date (I've not read these personally), try:

He also has a full section of books on Lulu.

You should also check out Marco Cantu's site, and look for the Essential Pascal and Essential Delphi books. The first one is a free download.

Check out the Beginning Delphi and Delphi Video wiki pages.

The 3DBuzz site has changed a little and all of their Delphi video tutorials are available from the front page.

On Embarcadero's Developer Network site, under the Resources menu, there are links to all kinds of audio and video content. Note that you can filter it by product.

Delphi Basics
**Best for all delphi beginners

VCL Sources
Best way to learn how to really program in delphi

Mastering Delphi by Marco Cantu

Delphi 3000
For learning to do things practically

I haven't seen a Pascal Language resource as perfect as the Delphi help itself! I hadn't heard about Pascal before I got a copy of Delphi. I learned Pascal from Delphi's help system (Object Pascal Reference).

You will have an intermediate level understanding of Pascal Language from Delphi help. Learn the real world usage of language constructs from VCL/RTL source code (especially sysutils.pas, system.pas, etc..)!

For quick reference, I often use the FPC docs. Multiple format (html,pdf,chm), and more examples.

Of course it requires you to look out for minor compatibilities, but looking at an alternate wording it can be useful: or the CHM versions at

However the absolutely best source was the D7 dead-tree manuals (language and developer guide), which I read back to back several times. People assure me the current help has all that and more, but somehow I'm unable to access it as easily as then.

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