
I've a class which is a wrapper class(serves as a common interface) around another class implementing the functionality required. So my code looks like this.

template<typename ImplemenationClass> class WrapperClass {
// the code goes here

Now, how do I make sure that ImplementationClass can be derived from a set of classes only, similar to java's generics

<? extends BaseClass>


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It's verbose, but you can do it like this:

#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

struct base {};

template <typename ImplementationClass, class Enable = void>
class WrapperClass;

template <typename ImplementationClass>
class WrapperClass<ImplementationClass,
      typename boost::enable_if<
        boost::is_base_of<base,ImplementationClass> >::type>

struct derived : base {};
struct not_derived {};

int main() {
    WrapperClass<derived> x;

    // Compile error here:
    WrapperClass<not_derived> y;

This requires a compiler with good support for the standard (most recent compilers should be fine but old versions of Visual C++ won't be). For more information, see the Boost.Enable_If documentation.

As Ferruccio said, a simpler but less powerful implementation:

#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

struct base {};

template <typename ImplementationClass>
class WrapperClass
        boost::is_base_of<base, ImplementationClass>::value));


In the current state of things, there is no good way other than by comments or a third-party solution. Boost provides a concept check library for this, and I think gcc also has an implementation. Concepts are on the list of C++0x improvements, but I'm not sure if you can specify subtypes - they are more for "must support these operations" which is (roughly) equivalent.

Edit: Wikipedia has this section about concepts in C++0x, which is significantly easier to read than draft proposals.

See Stoustrup's own words on the subject.

Basically a small class, that you instantiate somewhere, e.g. the templated classes constructor.

template<class T, class B> struct Derived_from {
    static void constraints(T* p) { B* pb = p; }
    Derived_from() { void(*p)(T*) = constraints; }
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