
I am currently reading the specification for BPMN 2.0. In this specification, definitions for the parts of BPMN are given as XML schemas.

In one of those schemas (Table 8.3, p. 54), I stumbled upon a line that does not make sense to me:

<xsd:element name="definitions" type="tDefinitions"/>
  <xsd:complexType name="tDefinitions">
    <xsd:anyAttribute name="exporter" type="xsd:ID"/>

What puzzles me is the use of the "name" attribute in conjunction with the "xsd:anyAttribute" element. If I understood the element's definition correctly, its purpose is to allow using "unknown" attributes that are not specified by the schema. So what could be the purpose of restricting "xsd:anyAttribute" to the concrete name "exporter" instead of just directly specifying an (optional) attribute with that name?

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It is likely just a mistake in the documentation and they indented to declare an attribute using xsd:attribute.

xsd:anyAttribute does not have an @name.

  id = ID
  namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )  : ##any
  processContents = (lax | skip | strict) : strict
  {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  Content: (annotation?)


The anyAttribute element enables the author to extend the XML document with attributes not specified by the schema.


Here will be everything you need to know! You have to see this anyAttribute like a wildcard.

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