
i set up an Google ad-words api and seems to work fine.

I can get GetAllCampaigns, GetAllAdGroupCriteria and GetAllAdGroups.

but i want to get all keywords from a specific group/campaign, and the related data like: clicks, spent money.

i found this code online but im not sure how to use it:

$report = getKeywordXmlReport( 
    'Report Name',          // String name 
    '2009-04-01',                           // String startDay 
    '2009-04-30',                   // String endDay 
    array('Campaign', 'AdGroup', 'Keyword', 'Impressions', 'Clicks', 
    'CTR', 'CPC', 'AveragePosition'),  // [String] selectedColumns 
    array('Monthly'),       // [String] aggregationTypes 
    array('54105960'),                        // [Integer] campaigns 
    array(),                        // [String] campaignStatuses 
    array(),                        // [Integer] adGroups 
    array(),                        // [String] adGroupStatuses 
    array(),                        // [String] keywords 
    array(),                        // [String] keywordStatuses 
    'SearchOnly',           // String adWordsType 
    'Broad',                        // String keywordType 
    false,                          // Boolean isCrossClient 
    array(),                        // [String] clientEmails 
    false,                          // Boolean includeZeroImpression 
    30,                                     // Integer sleepTime 
    false,                          // Boolean validateFirst 
    false                           // Boolean onlyReturnDownloadUrl 


i need to know what class to load and what function to use.

Any ideas?


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Have you tried Google's PHP Adwords client library? It's at and is full of examples.

If you're looking for keyword ("adgroup criteria," in their lingo) performance numbers then you need to create a report with the fields you want, add it, then download it after its complete. It's somewhat involved.

I suggest you check out for their example code for running reports.

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