
I get the error "Not implemented".

I want to compress a file using 7-Zip via stdin then take the data via stdout and do more conversions with my application. In the man page it shows this example:

% echo foo | 7z a dummy -tgzip -si -so > /dev/null

I am using Windows and C#.


7-Zip 4.65  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov  2009-02-03
Creating archive StdOut

System error:
Not implemented


public static byte[] a7zipBuf(byte[] b)
    string line;
    var p = new Process();
    line = string.Format("a dummy -t7z -si -so ");
    p.StartInfo.Arguments = line;
    p.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe";
    p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

    p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
    p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
    p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;


    p.StandardInput.BaseStream.Write(b, 0, b.Length);

    return p.StandardOutput.BaseStream.ReadFully();

Is there another simple way to read the file into memory?

Right now I can 1) write to a temporary file and read (easy and can copy/paste some code) 2) use a file pipe (medium? I have never done it) 3) Something else.

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You might want to try out something like SevenZipSharp, I've never used it personally but it provides a wrapper to the 7za.dll COM library which may be helpful to you.

I've written utilities that utilise 7-Zip via a process myself and haven't had issues though I've never tried to do StdIn and StdOut stuff. In the Help files I have with my version of 7-Zip the page on the -si switch states:

Note: The current version of 7-Zip does not support reading of archives from stdin.

Note sure if this might be the source of your problem, with specifying both switches it might be confusing 7-Zip.

The examples they show in the help seem to show that -so is used to redirect the output to standard out but requires normal file based inputs to do so.


Here's some info from Igor Pavlov (7z's author), in a thread about "7zip as a drop-in replacement for gzip/bzip2?"

The suggestion was to basically use 7z as an xz surrogate. Just using xz should work, but it may not be multi-threaded (and 7z may be).

While attempting to use 7z as in:

somecommand | 7zr a -si -so | nc -q 2 5678

Igor Pavlov says:

7z a a.7z -so
7z e a.7z -si
can not be implemeted. since .7z format requires "Seek" operation.

Use xz format instead:
7z a a.xz file
it must support all modes.


7-Zip thinks that it needs archive name.
So you can specify some archive name like a.xz
specify -an switch.

The eventual solution was:

cat foo.txt | 7za a -an -txz -bd -si -so | dd of=foo.xz

A bug report suggests this should be in the help:

The current version of 7-Zip support reading of archives from stdin only for xz, lzma, tar, gzip and bzip2 archives, and adding files from stdin only for 7z, xz, gzip and bzip2 archives.

You might need to use 7za.exe, which is the "Commandline version" on the 7z download page. I see that you are currently using 7z.exe, and I'm pretty sure that's a problem I've encountered before as well.

Actually, I think I switched to PeaZip because of the troubles 7z was giving me. PeaZip is a wrapper around 7z and a few other compression utilities, and PeaZip has a little bit better command line interface.

I ran into a similar problem when piping stdout into 7zip

Instead of invoking the command from Process directly, I write the command to a batch file and then run the batch file. It's a hack, but it does work.

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