
How do you actually perform datetime operations such as adding date, finding difference, find out how many days excluding weekends in an interval? I personally started to pass some of these operations to my postgresql dbms as typically I would only need to issue one sql statement to obtain an answer, however, to do it in PHP way I would have to write a lot more code that means more chances for errors to occur...

Are there any libraries in PHP that does datetime operation in a way that don't require a lot of code? that beats sql in a situation where 'Given two dates, how many workdays are there between the two dates? Implement in either SQL, or $pet_lang' that is solved by making this query?

SELECT  COUNT(*) AS total_days
FROM    (SELECT date '2008-8-26' + generate_series(0,
          (date '2008-9-1' - date '2008-8-26')) AS all_days) AS calendar
WHERE   EXTRACT(isodow FROM all_days) < 6;
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PHP5+'s DateTime object is useful because it is leap time and daylight savings aware, but it needs some extension to really solve the problem. I wrote the following to solve a similar problem. The find_WeekdaysFromThisTo() method is brute-force, but it works reasonably quickly if your time span is less than 2 years.

$tryme = new Extended_DateTime('2007-8-26');
$newer = new Extended_DateTime('2008-9-1');

print 'Weekdays From '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' To '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').': '.$tryme -> find_WeekdaysFromThisTo($newer) ."\n";
/*  Output:  Weekdays From 2007-08-26 To 2008-09-01: 265  */
print 'All Days From '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' To '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').': '.$tryme -> find_AllDaysFromThisTo($newer) ."\n";
/*  Output:  All Days From 2007-08-26 To 2008-09-01: 371   */
$timefrom = $tryme->find_TimeFromThisTo($newer);
print 'Between '.$tryme->format('Y-m-d').' and '.$newer->format('Y-m-d').' there are '.
      $timefrom['years'].' years, '.$timefrom['months'].' months, and '.$timefrom['days'].
      ' days.'."\n";
/*  Output: Between 2007-08-26 and 2008-09-01 there are 1 years, 0 months, and 5 days. */

class Extended_DateTime extends DateTime {

    public function find_TimeFromThisTo($newer) {
        $timefrom = array('years'=>0,'months'=>0,'days'=>0);

        // Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
        $testnewer = clone $newer;

        $timefrom['years'] = $this->find_YearsFromThisTo($testnewer);
        $mod = '-'.$timefrom['years'].' years';
        $testnewer -> modify($mod);

        $timefrom['months'] = $this->find_MonthsFromThisTo($testnewer);
        $mod = '-'.$timefrom['months'].' months';
        $testnewer -> modify($mod);

        $timefrom['days'] = $this->find_AllDaysFromThisTo($testnewer);
        return $timefrom;
    } // end function find_TimeFromThisTo

    public function find_YearsFromThisTo($newer) {
        If the passed is:
        not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
        or not larger (after) $this
        return false
        if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
            return FALSE;
        $count = 0;

        // Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
        $testnewer = clone $newer;

        $testnewer -> modify ('-1 year');
        while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
            $count ++;
            $testnewer -> modify ('-1 year');
        return $count;
    } // end function find_YearsFromThisTo

    public function find_MonthsFromThisTo($newer) {
        If the passed is:
        not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
        or not larger (after) $this
        return false
        if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
            return FALSE;

        $count = 0;
        // Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
        $testnewer = clone $newer;
        $testnewer -> modify ('-1 month');

        while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
            $count ++;
            $testnewer -> modify ('-1 month');
        return $count;
    } // end function find_MonthsFromThisTo

    public function find_AllDaysFromThisTo($newer) {
        If the passed is:
        not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
        or not larger (after) $this
        return false
        if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
            return FALSE;

        $count = 0;
        // Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
        $testnewer = clone $newer;
        $testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');

        while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
            $count ++;
            $testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
        return $count;
    } // end function find_AllDaysFromThisTo

    public function find_WeekdaysFromThisTo($newer) {
        If the passed is:
        not an object, not of class DateTime or one of its children,
        or not larger (after) $this
        return false
        if (!is_object($newer) || !($newer instanceof DateTime) || $newer->format('U') < $this->format('U'))
            return FALSE;

        $count = 0;

        // Clone because we're using modify(), which will destroy the object that was passed in by reference
        $testnewer = clone $newer;
        $testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');

        while ( $this->format('U') < $testnewer->format('U')) {
            // If the calculated day is not Sunday or Saturday, count this day
            if ($testnewer->format('w') != '0' && $testnewer->format('w') != '6')
                $count ++;
            $testnewer -> modify ('-1 day');
        return $count;
    } // end function find_WeekdaysFromThisTo

    public function set_Day($newday) {
        if (is_int($newday) && $newday > 0 && $newday < 32 && checkdate($this->format('m'),$newday,$this->format('Y')))
    } // end function set_Day

    public function set_Month($newmonth) {
        if (is_int($newmonth) && $newmonth > 0 && $newmonth < 13)
    } // end function set_Month

    public function set_Year($newyear) {
        if (is_int($newyear) && $newyear > 0)
    } // end function set_Year
} // end class Extended_DateTime


While for most datetime operations I would normally convert to Unixtime and perform addition subtraction etc. on the Unixtime integer, you may want to look at the Zend framework Zend_Date class.

This has a lot of the functionality you describe. Although Zend is billed as a "framework" it works exceptionally well as a class library to pick and chose elements from. We routinely include it in projects and then just pull in bits as and when we need them.

strtotime() is useful but it does have some odd behaviors that can pop-up from time to time if you are not just using it to convert a formatted date/time string.

things like "+1 month" or "-3 days" can sometimes not give you what you expect it to output.

For adding a date, you can use the method DateTime::add (Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object), available from php 5.3.0 onwards.

To find the difference between two dates, there's the DateTime::diff method; but there doesn't seem to be a method for counting the working days between two dates.

PEAR::Date looks like it might have some useful functionality.

PEAR::Calendar might also be useful.

The easiest method is to use a timestamp, representing the number of seconds since January 1, 2008. With a timestamp type, you can do things like...

now = time();
tomorrow = now + 24 * 60 * 60; // 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds

Check out the documentation for time(), date() and mktime() on the php web pages. Those are the three methods that I tend to use the most frequently.

You can use a combination of strtotime, mktime and date todo the arithmetic

Here is an example which uses a combo todo some arithmetic I'll reproduce the code here for simplicity

if ($timestamp_diff < (60*60*24*7)) {
   echo floor($timestamp_diff/60/60/24)." Days";
} elseif ($timestamp_diff > (60*60*24*7*4)) {
   echo floor($timestamp_diff/60/60/24/7)." Weeks";
} else {
   $total_months = $months = floor($timestamp_diff/60/60/24/30);
   if($months >= 12) {
      $months = ($total_months % 12);
      $years&nbsp; = ($total_months - $months)/12;
      echo $years . " Years ";
   if($months > 0)
      echo $months . " Months";

@Rushi I don't like strtotime() personally.. i don't know why but i discovered this morning that passing a string like this '2008-09-11 9:5 AM' to strtotime returns a false...

I don't think the code you provided solve the example problem 'Given two dates, how many workdays are there between the two dates? Implement in either SQL, or $pet_lang' and I haven't consider if I have a list of public holiday...

You can get number of days between two dates like this:

$days = (strtotime("2008-09-10") - strtotime("2008-09-12")) / (60 * 60 * 24);

And you can make function something like that (I don't have php installed in my work computer so i can't guarantee syntax is 100% correct)

function isWorkDay($date)
 // check if workday and return true if so

function numberOfWorkDays($startdate, $enddate)
  $workdays = 0;
  $tmp = strtotime($startdate);
  $end = strtotime($enddate);
  while($tmp <= $end)
    if ( isWorkDay( date("Y-m-d",$tmp) ) ) $workdays++;
    $tmp += 60*60*24;
  return $workdays;

If you don't like strtotime and you always have date in same format you can use explode function like

list($year, $month, day) = explode("-", $date);

I would strongly recommend using PHP 5.2's DateTime objects, rather than using UNIX timestamps, when doing date calculations. When you use the PHP date functions that return UNIX timestamps, you have a very limited range to work with (e.g. nothing before 1970).

If you have a look at , you will find some examples of using mktime() to perform operations.

A simple example would be to workout what tomorrows date would be. You can do that by simply adding 1, to the day value in mktime() as follows:

$tomorrow = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("Y")));

So here, you will receive a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD containing tomorrows date. You can also subtract days by simply replacing '+' with '-'. mktime() makes life a lot easier, and saves you from having to do nested if statements and other such troublesome coding.

to get working days/holidays, postgresql CTE ftw -- see

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