
I installed MAMP on my Mac and it installed everything needed such as Apache, MySQL and so on and I can use everything w/o any problem but when I try to say man mysql to read manual on the Terminal, this is the error I receive:

No manual entry for mysql

I did some Google searches but haven't seen anything useful except for which is online documentation.

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You can do mysql --help to get all the help for mysql. Is there something specific that you want about man command that you can't do with mysql --help


MAMP is different from actually installing unix stuff.

For unix type stuff like manpages, see macports: This will also allow you do install things like wget as you would normally do via apt-get.

Note MAMP is the only way I've actually gotten this stuff to get the full XAMP stack working on a Mac.

In terminal navigate to your mysql install, usually in a location like /usr/local/mysql

Then type at the $ prompt: man -M ./man mysql or: man -M ./man mysqld_safe

I'm not sure where to get a full list of what's in the mySQL man pages, but at least its a start.

as stated before $: mysql --help is useful too

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