
I want Windows Update to automatically download and install updates on my Vista machine, however I don't want to be bothered by the system tray reboot prompts (which can, at best, only be postponed by 4 hours).

I have performed the registry hack described here to prevent Windows forcibly rebooting my machine, which is a good start. However, is there any way to get rid of the reboot prompts altogether, or decrease their frequency?

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Not sure if it is the same for vista, but worth a try.

On Windows XP, you can modify a group policy setting to change how frequently it re-prompts you. (start -> run type gpedit.msc)

Look under Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Update

The setting you want is called Re-Prompt for restart with scheduled installations. The default is 10 minutes.

You can also try modifying the No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Updates installations setting found in the same location.


Just turn off the Automatic Update service. It will restart the next time you reboot so you'll still get the updates done.

Running this in a command window will stop it until the next reboot.

 sc stop wuauserv 

I recommend disabling the auto update.

As a developer the last thing you need is to have random updates done to your workstation, especially while you are working. I set aside a time every month to go through the process manually. I avoid doing it if I am in the middle of testing something really important or up against an immediate deadline.

To clarify what ehogue said: Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services->Automatic Updates->Right-click->Stop.

In Windows XP, after windows has been updated, I use the following trick: run this command

pssuspend wuauclt

pssuspend is a free sys-internals tool.

This way, you will not be prompted about restart.

I will risk some down-votes here by saying: this seems a little bit schizophrenic, though a lot of people ask for it.

If you want Windows to download and install the updates, but not complete the install process by rebooting - what's the point? Why not simply turn of AutoUpdates in the first place? if you don't even want the OS to tell you it would like to reboot, then how can you know that you need to, y'know, reboot?

Patches which call for a reboot are not fully active until that reboot is complete; thus your system remains vulnerable to the unpatched behaviour. If you are a human who goes to the bathroom or eats meals, I just do not understand the mentality of wanting to patch but then postpone the reboot for days, weeks, months. Better to stay unpatched!

just open taskmanager and right-click on "wuauclt.exe" en clcik stop or delete or something that should keep that program from running.

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