
Im having a problem with RDF. I have a couple of triples defined as :

<User rdf:about="#T">
 <hasName rdf:datatype="">T</hasName>
 <hasFavourite rdf:resource="#x"/>
 <hasFavourite rdf:resource="#y"/>

Im wanting to add to the (user, hasFavourite, x) and (user, hasFavourite, y) triples as i need to associate an integer with them. Im a bit unsure of how to add an integer to a triple. Im sure this must be simple but im just getting my head around RDF so any help is appreciated.

Thanks Ally

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So if I'm reading the question and your comment on dajobe's post correctly you probably want something like this (again in Turtle notation since it's so much more readable):

@base <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix : <> .

    :hasFavourite :fave1, :fave2 ;
    :hasName "T" ;
    a :User .

:fave1 a :Favourite ;
       :band :x ;
       :playCount 10 .

:fave2 a :Favourite ;
       :band :y ;
       :playCount 4 .

:x a :Band ;
   :hasName "Band 1" .

:y a :Band ;
   :hasName "Band 2" .

So this allows you to keep play counts for each users favourites individually and each Band may be chosen as a favourite by different users by creating new Favourites as required.

I could of course be completely wrong of course and this may be nothing like what you actually want!


I'm not entirely clear what you want to model here; that the User resource has triples with integer values or X and Y resources have integer values. I'll assume the latter since it's more complex.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<User rdf:about="#T">
 <hasName rdf:datatype="">T</hasName>
 <hasFavourite rdf:resource="#x"/>
 <hasFavourite rdf:resource="#y"/>
 <hasFavourite rdf:about="#x">
   <integerThatMeansSomething rdf:datatype="">10</integerThatMeansSomething>
 <hasFavourite rdf:about="#y">
   <integerThatMeansSomething rdf:datatype="">20</integerThatMeansSomething>

This is slightly easier to read in Turtle: (converted via rapper -q -o turtle foo.rdf '' from my Raptor software)

@base <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix : <> .

    :hasFavourite :x, :y ;
    :hasName "T"^^<> ;
    a :User .

    :integerThatMeansSomething 10 ;
    a :hasFavourite .

    :integerThatMeansSomething 20 ;
    a :hasFavourite .

Disclaimer: I edited rdf/xml, invented Turtle and wrote the software above!

Reading above like: "T is a User, has two favourites x and y and a string name. X is a favourite and has an integer property with value 10." etc. for Y.

If it was the former, the rdf/xml is simpler:

<User rdf:about="#T">
 <hasName rdf:datatype="">T</hasName>
 <hasFavourite rdf:datatype="">10</hasFavourite>
 <hasFavourite rdf:datatype="">20</hasFavourite>
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