
My client is using Advantage Database Server and wants to move to SQL Server but obviously wants to move all his clients data as part of the upgrade over to SQL Server.

I've thought about writing an app to do the transfer but thinking it might be more trouble than its worth.

What would you recommend?

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I have switched between sql server and advantage server while developing applications and I have mainly used the import data function within the sql server management studio to do this. Basically create a database and import data using the oledb driver for advantage - available from the advantage database website. Try this link for more information . Going back again is a bit tricker.... but that is another story.

If it is just a one off transfer that should do the trick you will have a fair degree of control over transfer. Be warned that the information about PK and data relationships may not survive the transfer as at least with adt/adi files advantage database server does not keep a record of the relationships between tables. If they want to keep the advantage database running and keeping a copy of the data in both databases i have not tried to do. The suggestion from OMG Ponies may do the trick in that case.


Haven't used (or heard of) Advantage Database Server, but I would:

  1. setup a linked server instance in SQL Server that connects to the Advantage db. You'll need the OLE driver for Advantage db - this link might help.
  2. Once that's in place, you can suck the rows out of the Advantage db and into the SQL Server ones without the need for scripts.

For a less permanent solution, you can use OPENROWSET to open a connection to the Advantage db. It uses the same OLE driver as you would with Linked Servers, but the connection is only open while you use it.

You may also use SSIS, should you feel that you need more control over the ETL process, otherwise as OMG Ponies suggested. As Sybase advertises "zero-administration, no need for DBA" -- sooner or later you and your data grow out of this. There is an ODBC driver available, so it looks doable.

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