
How do you set tab width in HTML output of Sphinx code snippets highlighted by Pygments? By default it is the annoying 8, but I want 4. Did not find a word about this setting in Sphinx

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You will need to write a Sphinx Extension. Add your custom Lexer, and apply it with VisibleWhitespaceFilter.


Add something like this to your

import re

def process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
    spaces_pat = re.compile(r"( {8})")
    ll = []
    for l in lines:
        ll.append(spaces_pat.sub("    ",l))
    lines[:] = ll

def setup(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', process_docstring)

See also Sphinx Docstring preprocessing documentation.

I asked the same question on sphinx-dev group and it turns out it's a problem with Docutils which is used by Sphinx. Docutils replace all tabs with 8 spaces and currently there is no way to change that value from Sphinx.

The only feasible solution seems to be to follow the advice from S.Lott and John Paulett in comments to my question -- use spaces instead of tabs.

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