
My delphi program (NOT for .NET) on windows 7 seems to be running for couple of days straight and then the program sort of freezes with all of its windows painted with blueish grey color as if its windows are disabled. You simply don't have control over the program anymore but has to kill its process and start it up again. You don't need to reboot the system itself.

Has anyone experience this or anything similar? If so, what did you do to resolve or try to resolve it?


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The bluish grey color is probably the default window color, meaning the window is no longer painting itself. This is consistent with the other symptom that the program no longer responds to any input. This means it isn't processing any window messages.

The easiest way to debug is to run the program in a debugger, and when it's hung just stop it and see where it's at.

If you have a memory leak you may eventually run out of memory in your process space, and it's possible that the program doesn't properly respond to that condition. Check Task Manager to see the amount of memory it's using.


Your question context is very vague. We do not have any information about your application, even its design and architecture.

Nethertheless, my (general-purpose) suggestions are the following:

  • If your application is not multi-threaded, do the process in background threads, then leave the main thread ready to process GDI messages;
  • If your application is multi-threaded, take care that all VCL access from background threads are made via a Synchronize call;
  • If your application is multi-threaded or use timers, take care that no method is re-entrant (in some circonstances, you may come into a race condition);
  • Hunt any memory leak;
  • Use a detailed logging of the program execution, logging all exceptions risen, to guess the context of the program hang (it may be used on the customer side also to hunt race conditions);
  • Download the great free tool named ProcessExplorer (now hosted by Microsoft), and check out the state of your frozen program: you will see detailed information about threads, CPU use, memory, network, libraries, handles - this is a must have for any serious debugging - track especially the GDI handles leaks (number of those should remain stable);
  • If you did not check it already, take a look at the global Windows system event log: there may be some information here;
  • Perhaps a third party component or library is responsible of the process hang: try to isolate the part of your code which may be responsible of this hang.

I've Delphi application running for months without any problem. Issue is definitively in application code, not in the Delphi architecture (its RTL and VCL are very stable).

Yes I fixed several hangs and other problems in the past years.

I used ProcessExplorer before (to view the stack), but it needs Microsoft debug symbols. And with Delphi you can only create a .map file. With map2dbg I could convert the .map to a .dbg, but this does not always work (note: .dbg is deprecated, newer versions of Microsoft debugging tools do not use them anymore).

So I made my own tool :-) It is part of "AsmProfiler Sampling" tool: Click on the "Stack view of Process" button in the first screen. Then select your process from the list and double click on it:

Now you can view the stack trace of each thread. If the GUI does not respond, the main thread hangs, so check the first thread. (note: sometimes you see an "emtpy" stack because a function misaligned the stack for calculation etc, use the raw strack tracing algoritm to get more the full stack again (with a lot of false positives, because every pointer on the stack which is possible a function is shown!)).
Please post the stack here if you can't solve it, so we can take a look at it.

Note: it uses the jclDebug.pas unit of the JEDI library, so it can read .map and .jdbg files (also .dbg and .pdb debug files of Windows dlls) and also internal JCLDEBUG sections (embedded .jdbg file in one .exe). So you must at least build an .exe with detailed (!) map file, see Project Options -> Compiler -> Linking.

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