
Is there a standard or conventional system for organizing multi-file Ruby programs? I have embarked on my first large "project" in Ruby, a search program which is logically organized into multiple files and directories. I've outlined below my potential structure:

  • The main file. This file implements the search class and general searching protocol.
  • The algorithmic analysis file. This file implements functions that interpret search results.
  • Protocols directory
    • Contains one file per protocol to search.
  • Feeds Directory
    • Part of the program's purpose is to search archived news feeds. The files for this feature go in this folder.

However, the code currently has a class (let's call it Searcher) that each protocol's search class inherits from (GoogleSearcher < Searcher). In order to manage this, I need to include the main file in these protocol files (right?) which doesn't seem possible given my ideal structure.

Aside from my specific example, I was wondering if there are any conventions, such as "more files rather than less", or "logical structuring of files is unnecessary". Is it common to have a file of "helper" functions (such as in Rails?) What level of abstraction is considered appropriate?

Finally, I'm planning on integrating this into Rails someday as a library (not a plugin; I want it to work standalone as well). I don't know if this would affect the organization.

I know this is a pretty open-ended question, but that's because I would appreciate any advice that is remotely relevant. Thanks in advance.

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You may want to consider creating a gem for your library. This would make it easy to use the library both stand-alone and with Rails, as well as make deployment/updates simpler.

Further, because gems normally follow a specific directory structure, it also solves your issue of not knowing how to organize the library.

There is plenty of documentation available for creating gems. Here's a bit more info about file structure, as well as other useful tips.


Besides the recommended links in vonconrad's Answer, you can refer to the section “Organizing your source” in Chapter 16 of Programing Ruby 1.9 by Dave Thomas et al. There is a free sample PDF of that part of the book.

The chapter mentions:

16.1 Namespaces We’ve already encountered a way that Ruby helps you manage the names of things in your programs. If you define methods or constants in a class, Ruby ensures that their names can be used only in the context of that class


16.2 Organizing Your Source Small, self-contained scripts can be in a single file... bigger programs should consider the RubyGems system

anagram/ <- top-level
  bin/ <- command-line interface goes here
  lib/ <- three library files go here
  test/ <- test files go here

You might want to take a look at Ideal ruby project structure in conjunction with vonconrad's advice. A gem would definitely be a good place to start and a run through the official rubygems documentation might also be beneficial.

If you want to integrate with Rails, you will probably want to create a plugin.

This guide might be a good place to start:

I know this question is quite old, but will hopefully be of use to those who come after...

I agree with what's been said above: gems are a great way to organize and reuse code. In addition to the links above, may I recommend using Bundler to create gems as outlined in this Ryan Bates RailsCast:

I find that Bundler makes gem creation and maintenance very straightforward.

Regarding inheritance, check out how Ruby mixins can be used to encapsulate and reuse code across disparate class hierarchies.

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