
Say I have a class like so:

class Ingredient
        friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Ingredient& target);
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Ingredient& data);
        Measure myMeas;
        MyString myIng;

In this overloaded friend function, I'm trying to set the value of myIng

istream& operator>>(istream& in, Ingredient& target)
    myIng = MyString("hello");

In my mind, this should work because I'm setting the value of a private data member of the class Ingredient in a friend function and the friend function should have access to all the private data members right?

But I get this error: ‘myIng’ was not declared in this scope Any idea on why this is happening?

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Because you need to be be explicit that you are accessing a member of the target parameter, not a local or global variable:

istream& operator>>(istream& in, Ingredient& target)
    target.myIng = MyString("hello"); // accessing a member of target!
    return in; // to allow chaining

The above will work exactly because the operator is a friend of Ingredient as you mention. Try removing the friendship and you will see that accessing private members will no longer be possible.

Also, as Joe comments: stream operators should return their stream parameter so that you can chain them.


In that scope, there is nothing called myIng. The error is pretty clear on that. Its Ingredient& target who has a myIng member, so you should write:

target.myIng = MyString("hello");
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