
The easiest way to explain the question is in the usage of an audit trigger.

However, on insert it saves all values, including null values. I want to filter out the null values in the hstore(NEW.*). What is the simplest / fastest way to do this?


audit_row.row_data = hstore(NEW.*) - excluded_cols;

This obviously doesn't work but explains, hopefully, what the answer will look like.

audit_row.row_data = hstore(hstore(NEW.*) FILTER (WHERE value IS NOT NULL)) - excluded_cols;

Preference will go to answer that doesn't use an user created function, e.g. use only Postgres functions / operators.

This is for >= PostgreSQL 11.

I am looking for a solution with hstore, not json or jsonb. Alternative ways with json or jsonb may be included, but hstore is preferred.

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With only built-in tools of Postgres and the additional module hstore, without involving jsonb (as requested):

audit_row.row_data = hstore(
   ARRAY (
      SELECT ARRAY[key, value]
      FROM   each(hstore(NEW.*) - excluded_cols)
      WHERE  value IS NOT NULL

One of the overloaded variants of the hstore() functions takes a two-dimensional array.

Alternatively, you could eliminate key names listed in excluded_cols in the WHERE clause (while processing unnested keys anyway):

audit_row.row_data = hstore(
   ARRAY (
      SELECT ARRAY[key, value]
      FROM   each(hstore(NEW.*))
      WHERE  value IS NOT NULL
      AND    key <> ANY (excluded_cols)

Might be a bit faster, not sure. Probably not much difference.

Also not sure how jsonbandjsonb_strip_nulls()` (suggested in comments) perform in comparison. Can you report back with a performance comparison?


Can you try this:

  • First, declare a new variable type record, example: empty_row
  • Then, do as bellow:
EXECUTE format('select * from populate_record(null::%s.%s, '''')', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME) INTO empty_row;

audit_row.row_data = hstore(NEW.*) - empty_row - excluded_cols;

You can then reuse empty_row in different places in your function.

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