
Is there an equivalent operator to Haskell's list difference operator \\ in F#?

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Was bounced, yet I believe it is worth to write here the implementation of ( /-/ ) (the F# version of Haskell's \\):

let flip f x y = f y x

let rec delete x = function
  | [] -> []
  | h :: t when x = h -> t
  | h :: t -> h :: delete x t

let inline ( /-/ ) xs ys = List.fold (flip delete) xs ys

This will operate as Haskell's \\, so that (xs @ ys) /-/ xs = ys. For example: (7 :: [1 .. 5] @ [5 .. 11]) /-/ [4 .. 7] evaluates into [1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11].


Nope... Just write it and make it an infix operator --using the set of special characters. Backslash (\) is not in the list below, so it will not work as an infix operator. See the manual:

infix-op :=

or || & && <OP >OP $OP = |OP &OP ^OP :: -OP +OP *OP /OP %OP


prefix-op :=

!OP ?OP ~OP -OP +OP % %% & &&

Filter items from the set of the subtrahend:

let ( /-/ ) xs ys =
    let ySet = set ys
    let notInYSet x = not <| Set.contains x ySet
    List.filter notInYSet xs

I'm using this:

let (/-/) l1 l2 = List.filter (fun i -> not <| List.exists ((=) i) l2) l1

If anyone sees a problem, let me know.

Is for lists, so there could be duplicates in the result. For example:

[1;1;2] /-/ [2;3] would be eq to [1;1]

Assuming you really want conventional set difference rather than the weird ordered-but-unsorted multiset subtraction that Haskell apparently provides, just convert the lists to sets using the built-in set function and then use the built-in - operator to compute the set difference:

set xs - set ys

For example:

> set [1..5] - set [2..4];;
val it : Set<int> = seq [1; 5]
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