
I enjoy programming, usually. Tedious stuff is easy to get done as quickly and correctly as possible so I can get through it and not have to see it again.

But a lot of my coding is fun and when I get in the 'zone' I just really enjoy myself.

Which is where I make the mistake of spending too much time, perhaps adding features, perhaps writing it in a cool or elegant manner, or just doing neat prototypes.

  • How do you recognize this is happening before it exceeds your time frame?
  • What do you do before starting a potentially fun piece of code, or during, to get back on track?
  • When is it ok to let yourself go "hog wild" and just enjoy it without worrying about consequences?


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Keep a detailed prioritized feature list/bug list. review it often then balance the fun work with bugs/features that need to get done.


Give yourself a hard deadline--even for your own projects. Otherwise, you'll just keep tweaking and adding features ad infinitum.

Always have a working release (snapshot) ready. Treat it like the way SQL server implement snapshot isolation. :)

Continue adding new cool stuffs to a separate copy of the project. Once it is stable, overwrite your release folder and that is your new snapshot. Whenever somebody ask for a demo or release, that way you can always switch to the stable application and will have something to show anytime.

With a backlog. That way you'll always have in mind what needs to be done before you can start doing what you want to do.

Justify any "fun" features you insert by regarding them as marketable eye-candy.

Unless, of course, they're not visible ;)

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