
I have two types of strings as the IDs of elements in my HTML markup:



and season names:


The dates have a dash separating the month and the day.

The seasons are a single word with no other tokens.

I want to assign the month or the season to a new variable called:


If I do this:

var time_of_year = $(this).attr("id").split('-')[0];

It will work on the months but if I call it on a season name which does not contain the token, will it generate an error?

What's the safe way to do this?

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It doesn't return an error but it does return an array with a length of one.

You could do something like this:

var splitty = $(this).attr('id').split('-');
if (splitty.length > 1) {
   time_of_year = splitty[0];
else {
   // do something else magical here

Here are the docs on split.

But, if you always want the first value and didn't care about the others, you could just use your original code w/o a problem:

var time_of_year = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[0]


You could check to see if the hyphen character exists using mystring.indexOf('-') (which will return -1 if it doesn't exist). But I'm pretty sure that if you split a string on a character that doesn't contain that character, it will just return the original string.

Why don't you add a hyphen prior to performing the split? You are grabbing the first element anyway. What's the difference if it's the first of two or the first of three elements?

var time_of_year = $((this).attr("id")+'-x').split('-')[0];

That way you are grabbing the item to the left of the first hyphen, and there will always be a first hyphen:

"april-23-x" "springtime-x"

(Note, I didn't test this, and am not staking my life on the syntax! But maybe it'll be a fresh idea for you.)

Edit: By the way, I think the example in the Original Post will work anyway. Split should return a list of length 1, and you are grabbing the [0]'th element, which is perfect.

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