
I'm creating a new Drupal 8 site using Lando/Pantheon - and then installing the Umami profile. I've done this before with no problems.

This morning when I try, the site is created and it looks like the Umami theme is in place. However, the content is not created.

Is there any way to create the content after the profile is installed?

Note: Oddly, drush is saying that the demo_umami_content module is not found but is able to find demo_umami_tour. ~/Desktop/lando/lando-panth $ lando drush pmi demo_umami_content demo_umami_content was not found.

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The Umami demo: Content module is not found from Drush, nor is it visible in the list of modules, because it is set as hidden in If you change the hidden: true line in hidden: false, you will be able to uninstall the module, and re-install it. This will execute again demo_umami_content_install(), which imports the content.

 * Implements hook_install().
function demo_umami_content_install() {
  if (!\Drupal::service('config.installer')->isSyncing()) {

If that doesn't work, the alternative is re-install Drupal using Unami as installation profile.

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