
I mapped key F2 to refresh (:edit) currently opened file. I'm using this when watching a log file to update the screen when file has been updated outside (new lines added at the end of a log file).

nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit<CR>

I would like to jump to the end of the file after it has been refreshed.

How do I create key mapping which does :edit and jump to end of the file (shortcut G) at the same time?

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An idiomatic way to position the cursor in the just opened (or reopened) file is to use the +-argument of the :edit command (see :help +cmd). Although the general syntax allows to execute any command, there are special cases for navigating to a certain line by a pattern matching text on that line (+/ followed by the pattern), or by a line number (+ followed by the number). If the number is omitted in the latter form, it is assumed to be the last line of the file.

In such a way, to reload the current file positioning the cursor on the last line, one can use the command

:edit +$


:edit + %

It is possible to shorten these commands by using :e instead of :edit and leaving out an optional space before the +-argument.



:e+ %

The corresponding mappings would take the form

:nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit +$<CR>


:nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit + %<CR>

Note that this +-argument syntax is also valid for opening a file from the command line, so

$ vim + filename

works as well.


This is what I'd use:

nnoremap <silent><F2> :edit<bar>$<CR>

You can chain commands in a map by using <bar>. This mapping does what you want:

:nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit <bar> :normal! G<enter>

It's important to use normal! instead of normal in mappings/scripts because the prior will not take user defined mappings into account. Even if there is a mapping for G in this case, vim will treat G as if it were not mapped at all.

You can use :normal to use the normal-mode G motion:

:nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit<CR>:norm! G<CR>

Perhaps better would be to use the :$ command to go to the end of the file:

:nnoremap <silent> <F2> :edit<CR>:$<CR>

In Vim '|' can be used to separate commands, much like many flavors of Linux/Unix. For more information about the use of the bar check out :help bar


:edit | normal! G

If you wish to use this in a key mapping You may find that your ~/.vimrc doesn't like maps utilizing |, or \|. In order to make this work use the equivalent <bar> instead.

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