
I need to filter a column in the list A, in her form. The filtered values must exist in the list B and I need do this in the form of powerapps. It's simple to do this in SharePoint 2013, but I cant do this in powerapps.

I'm trying do this:

Filter(Choices([@ListA].Diretoria);Value in Filter(ListB;ReferenceFilter.Empresa=DataCardValue3.SelectedItems).Title)

but I cant read the ListB.

List B

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Ex: When I select the Empresa 1 in the field DataCardValue3 in the form of the list A, I need filter to show just values of Diretoria A and C.

Someone can help me?

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Solution 2

i have successfull doing this:

1 - Add list b as datasource 2 - Do the filteer by ID

Filter(Choices([@Divisao].Diretoria);Id in Filter(Diretoria;Empresa.Id=DataCardValue9.Selected.Id).ID) (in pt-br we use ';' and not ',')


Try the following formula:

DataCardValue3.Items = Filter(Choices([@ListA].Diretoria),Value in Filter(ListB,DataCardValue2.Selected.Value=Empresa).Title)

DataCardValue2 is the data card for the Choice column Empresa.

DataCardValue3 is the data card for the Lookup column Diretoria

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