
i am using a IObservable to do some loading in the background. i want to specify when this is finished loading. How can i do this only once, instead of every time my data retriver does a yield return? How do I do this?

bool IsLoading = true;
ObservableCollection<MyData> dataList = new
DataLoader.RetrieveData().ToObservable(Scheduler.ThreadPool).Select(x => x).ObserverOn(Scheduler.Dispatcher).Subscribe(x => {
    IsLoading = false;});
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You should look at the Finally extension method, it will do exactly what you want!

bool IsLoading = true;
ObservableCollection<MyData> dataList = new ObservableCollection<MyData>();
  .Select(x => x)
  .Finally(() => IsLoading = false)
  .Subscribe(x => dataList.Add(x));

That should execute after the observable sequence is terminated.

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