
I use magento 2 (version 2.3) and cloudFlare.

There is an error with http headers: X-XSS-Protection header gets set twice because magento add this and then ClouFlare add again. See this post

It's not possible to remove CloudFlare headers, so I would like to remove magento XSS header.

I found the solution editing /vendor/magento/framework/App/Response/HeaderProvider/XssProtection.php: I change

const HEADER_ENABLED = '1; mode=block';


const HEADER_ENABLED = '0';

But I don't want editing the core file. I would like to override it. Can you explain me how, please? Thanks

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You need to modify getValue method. Try following way:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <type name="Magento\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider\XssProtection">
        <plugin name="disable_xssprotection_header"
                type="SR\MagentoCommunity\Plugin\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider\XssProtection" sortOrder="1"/>


namespace SR\MagentoCommunity\Plugin\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider;

class XssProtection
    public function aroundGetValue(
        \Magento\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider\XssProtection $subject,
        \Closure $proceed
    ) {
        return 0;

Another solution:

You can avoid completely this header. In that case, you need to replace the following class.


namespace SR\MagentoCommunity\Plugin\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider;

class XssProtection
    public function aroundCanApply(
        \Magento\Framework\App\Response\HeaderProvider\XssProtection $subject,
        \Closure $proceed
    ) {
       return false;
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